Monthly Archives: October 2011

Game: Taxi Gone Wild Review

This online game has many names and is played in many websites:

–  Taxi gone wild:  (This one is my favourite)

– Crazy cabbie:

–  Crazy Taxi

– This game is on Facebook also.

This game’s objective is simple and is the same in all the websites. The aim is for the player to get to the flag pole before time runs out! As you advance to higher levels traffic increases while the time decreases a flagpole isn’t reached fast enough.

Needing only to use the space key to jump and the right/left/up keys to drive and move around, it is simple, yet very hard and addictive! My highest score playing the game has been 81k points.

What I have figured out in my period of playing is that:

–  If you don’t crash into the cars, you will not lose time meaning you will have more points!

– I have also noticed that the faster you get to the flag pole, the more time you get.

–  I have also picked up that, if you get a lot of cars in, for example, the left lane and nothing in the right or middle lane, then after the cars on the left lane have gone, the right and middle lane will have more cars then the left lane. This helps you out, as it decreases the chance of crashing into the cars.

– When crashed into a car, I find it better to drive back (down key), let the car in front drive forward, then drive (up key) then re try to jump!

I recommend this game to any bored kid out there! If you’re a person like me; a person who competes with themselves, trying to achieve your personal record, then this is the game for you!

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