COMING SOON: Why I hate Disney 

Film Review/Analysis: Can’t Buy Me Love 1987

The following post focuses on the relationship between the themes of the film & it’s 1980′s context


A young Patrick Dempsey and the gorgeous Amanda Peterson star in the 1987 film Can’t buy me love. It embodies the typical 80′s traits with groovy dance moves, rocking music and most importantly the big & bold hair styles. It follows Ronald, the school geek, in his journey to make a memorable graduation year. The title of the film humorously contradicts the story line in that he ‘buys’ the popular girl and successfully fools his senior grade. However in his plot to the high life, he not only loses himself but Cindy as well who has unexpectedly fallen in love with him. This film gives us an insight to the 80′s with the ‘me’ generation, the prolonged breakdown of tradition and the class divide.

Can’t buy me love respects it’s 80’s context in that it continuously alludes to the self indulgent ‘me generation’, triggered by the baby boomers. The characters of the film embody the materialistic decade, where labels meant everything; Cindy borrowed her mother’s $1000 suede outfit to impress her acquaintances, she is also very unhappy when Ronald doesn’t pick her up in an ‘mechanized transportation’. Cindy’s college freshmen boyfriend, Bobby, is a perfect example of this ‘me generation’ as he has left and forgotten about all his high school friends, including Cindy as witnessed in the TV interview he was in. He is a reminder to the audience why it is so important for Ronald to have an enjoyable last year of school- because he doesn’t want to be forgotten, like Bobby forgot them. It further goes on to portray the hedonistic aspect of the generation with alcohol drugs and most importantly parties; Ronald unknowingly ‘invents’ a new dance move learnt from the African culture channel (assuming it was the American Bandstand), and the silly dance becomes a hit… all because his fellow class mates view him as ‘popular’. However this film goes beyond satirically portraying the 80’s, it also remarks on the prolongation of the breakdown of convention.

The baby boomers continued their un-conservative ways from the 70’s and became even more open about their intimate relationships as seen with the popular girls (Patty/Iris/Barbara). Ronald creates a perfect contrast to his current generation with the one before, “our grandparents sure knew how to make things that last” suggesting that his gen doesn’t. Though he was talking about the WW II airplanes, it still prompts the idea of diminishing conservative ways, such as the decrease in nuclear families, conveyed through Cindy’s divorced mother who openly goes out on dates. The film further goes on to give the female characters authority; girls are able to ask guys out. Cindy is given dominance over Ronald who needs her in order to be able to achieve his goal. Ironically Sandra Day O’Connor became the first female Supreme Court Justice when appointed by president Ronald Reagan (which by the way is another reference to the 80′s, RONALD!). The film goes beyond conveying the closing divide between males & females and addresses the shift of social class.

This genuine issue faced from the earliest form of humanity till today is humorously conveyed in a high school environment; the geeks versus the popular kids. The film again embodies its context in that the 80’s were a time where social class shifted; people were becoming rich, and geeks were being favored (Steve Wozniak). Ironically Ronald’s name in the film is continuously mistaken for Donald which alludes to Donald Trump (who now is a well known TV personality) who rose to fortune in the 80’s. The film also often references how high school caused this divide among the geeks & jocks/cheerleaders, as during their childhood innocence they were all friends.

While during the beginning of the film Ronald strives to become popular by the end of it he achieves something greater- he neutralizes the teenaged divide. He is able to alter their mind, especially Cindy’s who now seems to have a closer relationship to her mother & also does not have to hide the fact that she borrows her clothes (which conveys Cindy’s growth as an adult who no longer strives for people’s acceptance). To conclude, I enjoyed this film and would not mind watching it over and over again. It takes the 80′s issues & culture and humorously produces an entertaining film! Great job Steve Rash


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Film Review: Iron Man 3 (2013)

It seems that I have the worst luck when it comes to watching a Marvel Film in a Cinema. I always happen to be placed in the worst seating. Though being uncomfortable did not stop me from enjoying the film!

I loved it!

I laughed and I had tears in my eyes, which is basically every good director’s aim, including Shane Black’s… to make an audience feel something.

I felt as if even though the film was two hours long, it was short. This I felt because there were too many things which started, that I believe, did not end appropriately. For instance, the relationship between Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) and Pepper Potts (Gwyneth Paltrow)  was not exaggerated, and although this is an action film the relationship was not believable.

Other factors which were introduced but weren’t executed to a satisfactory extent were characters such as Aldrich Killian (Guy Pearce) and Maya Hansen (Rebecca Hall), issues such as Tony Starke’s anxiety attacks and the explosions which occurred (where they done on purpose under the command of Killian or where they accidental due to the glitch) and so on and so forth.

The ending of the film was too quick.


It basically ended in the last 3-4 minutes of the movie as this “I love you Pepper and I don’t want you to get hurt anymore so I’ll stop being Iron Man”

Which is perfectly fine, IF their relationship was believable. I mean come on, if you’re going to end a major Hero, you might as well do it properly.

All in all, I loved the film and would go back to watch it any time!

*NOTE: I only listed the negatives, so this will seem bias. But this is definitely a great film and all who have followed Iron Man should definitely watch this*

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Film Review: Pitch Perfect (2012)

I love comedies, though I’m not too keen on musical ones. I find that most musical comedies follow the same plot (with a few alterations here and there) played by different characters shot in different locations.

I felt that Pitch Perfect came closely to becoming just another cliched comedy, however what differentiated it from becoming another over used idea was it’s modernity

Anna Kendrick plays Beca, an aspiring DJ forced to go to college by her father (John Hickey), a literature professor. She is later recruited by a desperate a cappella group, ‘The Bellas’, and tries to sweep away their ancient traditions and allow contemporary music to take over. While in the process she meets Jesse (Skylar Astin), her colleague at a local radio station, and by the end of the film they fall in love (of course), the END.

Yes a tad too cliched i think, but I still loved (yes loved) it. Why? Because it was funny. I could not stop laughing while watching it. I think allowing Fat Amy (Rebel Wilson) to keep her Australian accent was the best thing the director could do for the film.

It explored the diversity of modern day college students and created humor by exaggerating their characters, for instance;

– Lilly

– Stacie


All in all i loved the film and I can’t wait to watch it again.

You go girl!


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Film: Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)

I feel like something’s missing from this film… i can’t quite put my finger on it because I don’t mind it as my love for the film empowers the ‘hate’.

Now it might be seeing Chris Evans shirtless or Sebastian Stan’s gorgeous blue eyes, but i just loved the film.

Here’s what i loved about it, the story line was great! The hero never lost hope and the drama wasn’t too dramatic. Although Steve Rogers was turned into a superhuman, and eventually making him ‘non-human’, the audience is able to still connect with him as they see the human characteristics he has kept from the beginning (for instance his arrogance to never give up a fight)

I’m a romcom kinda girl but I  absolutely  hate too much romance in an action  film, i believe it takes away from the meaning as usually directors don’t execute the balance right. But in this film it was well done and that’s why i love it so much! The relationship between Peggy Carter and Captain America was really simple but the director was able to achieve and show the audience their strong bond. well done Joe Johnston!

I really don’t have any negatives other then Johann Schmidt’s red face… it wasn’t scary but it didn’t seem real enough.

I absolutely love this film and it will never grow old for me!


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Film: Looper (2012)

Looper film review:

Looper film review:

Let’s see… The day I watched Looper on was perfect! The weather was just great and I got some great seats at the cinema. To top it off, two of my most favorite actors literally became one. 
BUT (Yes, I need capslock to exaggerate my frustration) when the film began and the plot started to unroll I found it confusing to understand the story which really bothered me. 

I did however finally understand the film, but only after it had ended. Overall i enjoyed the film even though i should have hated it mainly because of Bruce Willis and Joseph Gordon-Levitt.

Here’s what I believe went wrong and what made me dislike it;

– There was way too much pointless characters. Characters like younger Joe’s girlfriend,Suzie (Piper Perabo), who added no impact on the story. The visual portration of their intimate relationship added little climax to the film which was later over written by Joe’s relationship with Sara (Emily Blunt)

– Characters which were introduced at the beginning and seemed to have a major role in the film didn’t, for instance young Joe’s best friend, Seth (Jeff Daniels). This made the film seem long and boring as the audience were prepared to see more of him.

There were too much pointless scenes with pointless settings which was confusing. This made the film too long and boring.

I did however like the sacrificial part at the ending and the reasons behind it. But that’s only one thing compared to the list of negatives I have.

All in all i liked the film and wouldn’t mind watching it again… maybe the second time i could understand more and not be confused.

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Game: Plants vs. Zombies Review

I was first introduced to this game around two years ago by a close friend. It got quite addictive and soon everyone I knew was playing it.

Plants Vs. Zombies is exactly what it’s name suggests. Plants who fight zombies in a backyard to keep them from breaking into the house and eating the brains.

Although I’ve never finished the game (I’m probably the only one out of my friends who hasn’t) it isn’t because I lost interest, but because it was very addictive and I needed to snap back to reality.

Anyway, enough about me back to the game.

So the rules are fairly simple, KEEP THE ZOMBIES OUT OF THE HOUSE! You get step by step instructions from ‘Crazy Steve the next door neighbor’ on how to do this. It’s not restrictive meaning you’re free to make your own plan of attack by placing the plants where you believe works best.

Your account consists of 50 levels and 5 game modes. Like most games, it starts off easy then becomes difficult. New plants & zombies are unlocked as you progresses through the levels.

The zombies are not at all scary, some of the plants are very cute, and the setting is indeed bright and colorful.

The best part is, Plant Vs. Zombies isn’t a game which can be finished in a day, it takes time to perfect the skill and technique in attack against the zombies.

Many of my friends have finished the game three/four times. They all agree that a new technique is learnt in every game.

I definitely recommend this game to anyone of any age, not only gamers, because it’s very simple and user-friendly. Plus if you’re up for a challenge and like to solve problems then this game has the perfect challenge… Keeping the brain-hungry-zombies away from your brain-full-house by attacking them with plants.

This game can be bought online at  or on the Apple app store for iPhone/iPod/iPad. A 60 minute demo is also available so you can try the product before buying it.

If you’ve tried it ‘comment’ what you think about it. If you have any questions about this game then feel free to ask!


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Film: Marvel’s The Avengers (2012)

The Avengers has definitely become a favourite of mine. I could go on and on about why it’s great, but you’d have to watch it to believe me.

I watched it when it first came out, so as you can imagine the how packed the cinema was. I got the worst seat possible (third row from the front, right next to the screen) but that surprisingly did not stop me from loving the movie.  I rarely watch a movie twice but I did for The Avengers. And yes, the second time I went I got great seats.

It scored a well deserving a 4.6/5 from 450 277 users on, and 8.5/10 from 369 049 users on

Directed by Joss Whedon (who also directed movies like Buffy the Vampire Slayerand Thor)this movie is packed with great action scenes combined with humour and a heartbreaking scene which could make any toughie’s eyes water.

The negligence of any type of sex scene goes to prove that The Avengers is just one of the greatest movies. I mean come on, all great action movies have had some sort of sex scene to capture the attention of the audience; The Dark Knight (2008),  The Dark Knight Rises (2012), Looper (2012), Avatar (2009), Snow White and the Huntsmen (2012)  21 Jump Street (2012) these are just some off the top of my head. However the action in this film proved more than enough to entertain.

Another aspect I liked was the fact that it didn’t take ages for the movie to start. What I mean is most action movies take a while to introduce the ‘complication’ and the viewer starts to lose interest. However I find the way The Avengers started was done in a sophisticated way by beginning with the complication (which is Loki and his army) and then quickly but efficiently assembling what would be the resolution which is the six Avengers. What amazed me even more was how the writers neatly introduced each of the Avengers showing what they did in the past (their super power) and where that got them to. For example when they showed Captain America, they showed him training on a punching bag (probably to get fit again) and while he was doing that various thoughts of World War 1 were going through his head.

The humour in the movie did not take over the action scenes, but when the hilarious parts did come up the entire cinema room was laughing.

I definitely recommend this movie to all the comic lovers, because I truly believe that it stayed true to the original comic characters while catering for the modern generation.

P.S. Team Captain America all the way!


Captain America in Avengers Movie

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Game: Taxi Gone Wild Review

This online game has many names and is played in many websites:

–  Taxi gone wild:  (This one is my favourite)

– Crazy cabbie:

–  Crazy Taxi

– This game is on Facebook also.

This game’s objective is simple and is the same in all the websites. The aim is for the player to get to the flag pole before time runs out! As you advance to higher levels traffic increases while the time decreases a flagpole isn’t reached fast enough.

Needing only to use the space key to jump and the right/left/up keys to drive and move around, it is simple, yet very hard and addictive! My highest score playing the game has been 81k points.

What I have figured out in my period of playing is that:

–  If you don’t crash into the cars, you will not lose time meaning you will have more points!

– I have also noticed that the faster you get to the flag pole, the more time you get.

–  I have also picked up that, if you get a lot of cars in, for example, the left lane and nothing in the right or middle lane, then after the cars on the left lane have gone, the right and middle lane will have more cars then the left lane. This helps you out, as it decreases the chance of crashing into the cars.

– When crashed into a car, I find it better to drive back (down key), let the car in front drive forward, then drive (up key) then re try to jump!

I recommend this game to any bored kid out there! If you’re a person like me; a person who competes with themselves, trying to achieve your personal record, then this is the game for you!

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