Tag Archives: Captain America

Film: Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)

I feel like something’s missing from this film… i can’t quite put my finger on it because I don’t mind it as my love for the film empowers the ‘hate’.

Now it might be seeing Chris Evans shirtless or Sebastian Stan’s gorgeous blue eyes, but i just loved the film.

Here’s what i loved about it, the story line was great! The hero never lost hope and the drama wasn’t too dramatic. Although Steve Rogers was turned into a superhuman, and eventually making him ‘non-human’, the audience is able to still connect with him as they see the human characteristics he has kept from the beginning (for instance his arrogance to never give up a fight)

I’m a romcom kinda girl but I  absolutely  hate too much romance in an action  film, i believe it takes away from the meaning as usually directors don’t execute the balance right. But in this film it was well done and that’s why i love it so much! The relationship between Peggy Carter and Captain America was really simple but the director was able to achieve and show the audience their strong bond. well done Joe Johnston!

I really don’t have any negatives other then Johann Schmidt’s red face… it wasn’t scary but it didn’t seem real enough.

I absolutely love this film and it will never grow old for me!


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Film: Marvel’s The Avengers (2012)

The Avengers has definitely become a favourite of mine. I could go on and on about why it’s great, but you’d have to watch it to believe me.

I watched it when it first came out, so as you can imagine the how packed the cinema was. I got the worst seat possible (third row from the front, right next to the screen) but that surprisingly did not stop me from loving the movie.  I rarely watch a movie twice but I did for The Avengers. And yes, the second time I went I got great seats.

It scored a well deserving a 4.6/5 from 450 277 users on http://www.rottentomatoes.com, and 8.5/10 from 369 049 users on http://www.imdb.com

Directed by Joss Whedon (who also directed movies like Buffy the Vampire Slayerand Thor)this movie is packed with great action scenes combined with humour and a heartbreaking scene which could make any toughie’s eyes water.

The negligence of any type of sex scene goes to prove that The Avengers is just one of the greatest movies. I mean come on, all great action movies have had some sort of sex scene to capture the attention of the audience; The Dark Knight (2008),  The Dark Knight Rises (2012), Looper (2012), Avatar (2009), Snow White and the Huntsmen (2012)  21 Jump Street (2012) these are just some off the top of my head. However the action in this film proved more than enough to entertain.

Another aspect I liked was the fact that it didn’t take ages for the movie to start. What I mean is most action movies take a while to introduce the ‘complication’ and the viewer starts to lose interest. However I find the way The Avengers started was done in a sophisticated way by beginning with the complication (which is Loki and his army) and then quickly but efficiently assembling what would be the resolution which is the six Avengers. What amazed me even more was how the writers neatly introduced each of the Avengers showing what they did in the past (their super power) and where that got them to. For example when they showed Captain America, they showed him training on a punching bag (probably to get fit again) and while he was doing that various thoughts of World War 1 were going through his head.

The humour in the movie did not take over the action scenes, but when the hilarious parts did come up the entire cinema room was laughing.

I definitely recommend this movie to all the comic lovers, because I truly believe that it stayed true to the original comic characters while catering for the modern generation.

P.S. Team Captain America all the way!


Captain America in Avengers Movie

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