Tag Archives: Emily Blunt

Film: Looper (2012)

Looper film review:

Looper film review:

Let’s see… The day I watched Looper on was perfect! The weather was just great and I got some great seats at the cinema. To top it off, two of my most favorite actors literally became one. 
BUT (Yes, I need capslock to exaggerate my frustration) when the film began and the plot started to unroll I found it confusing to understand the story which really bothered me. 

I did however finally understand the film, but only after it had ended. Overall i enjoyed the film even though i should have hated it mainly because of Bruce Willis and Joseph Gordon-Levitt.

Here’s what I believe went wrong and what made me dislike it;

– There was way too much pointless characters. Characters like younger Joe’s girlfriend,Suzie (Piper Perabo), who added no impact on the story. The visual portration of their intimate relationship added little climax to the film which was later over written by Joe’s relationship with Sara (Emily Blunt)

– Characters which were introduced at the beginning and seemed to have a major role in the film didn’t, for instance young Joe’s best friend, Seth (Jeff Daniels). This made the film seem long and boring as the audience were prepared to see more of him.

There were too much pointless scenes with pointless settings which was confusing. This made the film too long and boring.

I did however like the sacrificial part at the ending and the reasons behind it. But that’s only one thing compared to the list of negatives I have.

All in all i liked the film and wouldn’t mind watching it again… maybe the second time i could understand more and not be confused.

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